Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chapter #4 pursuit of happiness

Being born in the U.S. is something that I obviously take for granted every day. The U.S. harbors endless opportunities to succeed and continue on in the pursuit of happiness, whatever that may be. I think the disconnect between the rich and the poor in the U.S. is based around the idea that you can be whoever you want here. I believe that this is in fact true. No matter your background or your culture, you can become as great or grotesque as you would like and there is no one to blame but yourself. If you want to become a multimillionaire on Wall street, whose to stop you? Feeling guilty for being born in to such a great nation should only be felt if you don't take advantage of it while others are literally dieing to get in.

Service Learning - still evaluation options via email. I will likely be gathering personal hygiene products to help support the refugees.

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