Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chapter #6 Language

Language is a crucial part of culture as I had mentioned in my Self-Assessment, not only does language help you express your emotions it also helps you better understand the culture itself. In Lithuanian they don't have a work for awkward, it was very hard to not have this word at my disposal. However, the longer I spoke Lithuanian the more I realized that their culture doesn't need that language. In fact, even if they did have that word, they likely wouldn't need it or use it die to the way they deal with certain circumstances.

The book gives a few examples of the importance, and simply the marketability of those who speak two languages. The ability to speak more than one language is a profitable asset to have in today's world. Not only can you get jobs that others can't, you also are bale to create meaning relationships with those you wouldn't have been able to without that language.
Missionaries in my mission that never really put in the time to learn the language like they should often felt discouraged when it came to building relationships with members in the branches. No one likes to talk with someone who can barely spit out a sentences.

Service Learning - We have decided that we are for sure going to pick up personal hygiene products fro local stores, neighbors, etc and bring them to SLC. She seemed pretty excited about the idea and I think we will well.

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