Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thoughts Thus Far

I have really enjoyed this class so far, I feel like we have taken on topics that aren't usually talked about in cultural classes. I am also enrolled in a international business class and we cover such a large array of topics in our communications class that it makes for a lot more interesting dialogue. I definitely hadn't thought about how my economic status could have such an effect on my "cultural lens". I realize now that coming from an upper-class home has put limits on how other America's view politics, schooling, jobs, etc. It's different for a white male to look at college as a no-brainer, but what about the underprivileged black kid who works after school just to help keep a roof over his family's head? Higher education may not be an option at that time in his life, and requires a different outlook on education in general. Also, in Utah, LDS girls (not all, but a lot) look at school as a means to find a husband, not necessarily a path to getting a high paying job. My wife intends to be a mom, she will be receiving her bachelor's degree this summer, but will likely not be pursing a career since we will likely have children and I will be the provider. Now, I feel that the desire to simply be a mother is something worth being praised in this day, however mothers need to educated, mothers are the one teaching our future generations.

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