Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter #11 Dialectics

A principle that really sort of stood out to me was the differences-similarities dialectic. My wife and I can sometimes seem like we are on polar ends of the earth when it comes to dealing with situations. However, we almost always agree on basic ideals and structures. I tend to be a typical man that tends to struggle with putting things lightly or delicately, my family is very straight forward where her family just sweeps things under the rug and pretends like it never happened. This is where our negative differences kick in, we both want things handled differently. However, we also have a lot of positive differences that have become quite complimentary. Jenny is a great cook, while I like to clean. Therefore, she makes the meals, and I clean the dishes. Jenny is very organized while I more of a lets plan later type of guy. She then takes care of the bills while I simply make the money. I am a very one directional person that can't multi-task very well. Therefore I'm really good at making money while Jenny takes care of bills and shopping, so I can focus on my one task. I think differences can be quite complimentary in a marriage.

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