Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Joseph Ostraff

Today our guest speaker Joseph Ostraff spoke to our class. He did a great job and told us a little about all the places he has visited, from California to Ukraine and even Toga. He showed us a Youtube clip with many different greeting. He also showed us the greeting used in Toga, which is when two men hold their foreheads together. In the U.S. we shake hands as a casual greeting, while Hispanics may even kiss each others cheek. He mentioned that the hula dancers dance was once a prayer and has been since then made into more of a sexual thing. It's crazy to think of how distorted that had become. We are constantly needing to immerse ourselves in others cultures, that way we can see things through a more rounded point of view. Breaking cultural bonds can be one of the most rewarding things we can do in life.

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