Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter #8 Adult Transition

Chapter 8 was a good read, it dealt with everyday things that we must go through at one point or another. I wanted to focus my attention on the Adult Transition Model. We move from High School which is a much more structured life style, one that tends to be more specific and mandatory. We then move to college where schooling becomes more of an open-ended life where we are the deciding factor of what we do. We are most times thrust into a more state of more responsibility. We are required to pay for tuition, books, housing, food, phone bills, etc. While we are also given further freedoms, no more curfew, eat on the couch etc. Adulthood must be embraced whether one likes it or not. After college is through, we are then pushed into the working world. This is actually one I strongly look forward to. I have always enjoyed sales and working. I am looking forward to starting my own businesses and finding that furthered freedom through a completed education.

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