Monday, March 28, 2011

Media and Cultural Influences

Media has an enormous affect on the way we view things around us. For example, Apple had done an amazing job of convincing every college student that you are not going to be as cool or as successful if you don't have a mac book pro, and iphone, or ipod. I can pretty much guarantee that 90% of the students at UVU own at least one apple product. They do a great job of adverting to college students through popular mediums, such as; movies, online ads, and television. Literally everywhere you turn apple is advertising some form of their products. I must admit I may be the biggest sucker of them all. I myself have owned 3 different iphones, i have a macbook pro, and I even have an apple TV. Media does a great job of convincing people that they need something to fit in. That if they have this device or this shirt than they will finally be cool. The media uses celebrities to promote ideas, products, politicians, and pretty much anything you can imagine. As long as someone that is cool is promotion it, you can guarantee there are thousands of people out there buying it.

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