Monday, March 7, 2011

Non-Verbal Communcation

Non-verbal communication is a huge part of any culture. African Americans tend to use hand shakes and fist bumps. American's in general smile a lot more at each other, even strangers, while in Russian you are looked at as some type of Alien if you smile at all. Each culture tends to have its own socially excepted non-verbals. For Example, if I was to go up and kiss a girl I just met on both of her cheeks like I was in Italy, I likely wouldn't end up getting a phone number. Non-verbals even in the" white" American culture are crucial in everyday behavior. When we meet a stranger in business, we shake hands. This shows respect and a sign of acceptance being given from both parties. Also, in the U.S. we tend to look others in the eye when we are talking with them, this shows respect and concentration on the person who is speaking. A man who is slumped in his chair at school with his head lowered shows those around him he isn't paying attention or that he is insecure.

Non-verbals even fluctuate from family to family. MY family tends to be loud and boisterous, while my wife's family tends to simply raise their eyebrows to acknowledge you are speaking. Simply things can send big messages.

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